Jeggeleben wind farm

The Jeggeleben wind farm is located in the Altmarkkreis Salzwedel district in Saxony-Anhalt. Its four Enercon E-92 turbines, each with a capacity of 2.35 MW, have been feeding wind power into the grid since the end of 2015. Enercon turbines have been proven and reliable in operation for 30 years. Enercon GmbH is the largest German manufacturer of wind turbines with headquarters in Aurich (East Frisia). With the E-92, the turbine manufacturer has optimised its proven technology, especially for inland locations: A gearless drive system and an innovative rotor geometry ensure high efficiency. With a hub height of 138 metres, the tallest and thus most powerful turbines of the E-92 series are in operation at the Jeggeleben wind farm. ENERCON guarantees a technical availability of 97 percent.

The Jeggeleben wind farm produces around 26.0 million kWh of green electricity per year, thus saving the environment the emission of around 132,400 tonnes of CO2. Around 9,000 households are supplied by the wind farm.

Fact and figures

  • Location
    Altmarkkreis Salzwedel, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
  • Turbine manufacturer/type
    Enercon E-92
  • Output per turbine / total
    2.35 MW / 9.4 MW
  • Hub height / rotor diameter
    138.4 m / 92 m
  • Commissioning
    November/December 2015
  • Annual production
    26.4 million kWh
  • Households supplied* / CO2 savings
    9,000 / 20,000 tonnes
  • Feed-in tariff
    EEG 2014

    * Calculation basis: CO2 savings: For PV systems according to (kWh/a × 0.584: 1,000) or for wind energy systems according to CO2 calculator at; Households supplied: 4-person household in Germany approx. 3,000 kWh/a according to statista


Around 900 investors made the realisation of the Jeggeleben wind farm possible with their investments.