Pfaffengrün wind turbine

Proven technology: High availability, 17 % additional yield

The Pfaffengrün wind turbine is located on the A72 motorway near the exit to the small town of Treuen, in the Vogtland region of Saxony. With a rotor diameter of around 117 metres, the N117 is one of the largest turbines in its performance class. The turbine type of the so-called efficiency class of the Gamma generation with a total output of 2.4 MW has been tested for many years. The N117/2400 is specially designed for inland locations and achieves high yields even at low wind speeds. Compared with its predecessor model, it delivers over 17 percent more yield. Nordex guarantees a high technical availability of 96 percent for at least 20 years.

Zahlen & Fakten

  • Location of the plant
    Saxony, Germany
  • Turbine manufacturer/type
    Nordex N117/2400
  • Output per turbine
    2.4 MW
  • Hub height/rotor diameter
    140.6 m/117 m
  • Commissioning
    August 2016
  • Annual production
    7.5 million kwh
  • Households supplied* / CO2 savings
    2,500 / 5,002 tonnes
  • Feed-in tariff
    EEG 2014

* Calculation basis: CO2 savings: For PV systems according to (kWh/a × 0.584: 1,000) or for wind energy systems according to CO2 calculator at; Households supplied: 4-person household in Germany approx. 3,000 kWh/a according to statista


More than 440 investors participated indirectly in the wind turbine Pfaffengrün through the bond "RE08".

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